WelcomeWelcome to the Gatton Laidley Parish. We are located in the South-West region of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. On this site there is information about our parish which we hope you will find interesting, informative and a convenient source of information about our parish life and community.
If you are new to the Parish we invite you to fill in the Parish Census form (available from the Forms & Downloads section) so we may extend a personal welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office if you have any questions or would like to find out more about the Parish. |
Sacramental Journey 2020
Expressions of Interest have now closed for children to participate in the journey for 2020 to receive Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation. Registration Forms are due back to the Parish Office no later than 13th March 2020. Registrations need to be submitted for each sacrament; however if previously provided, Birth and Baptism Certificates do not need to be resubmitted. Lent 2020 Journey with Jesus through this time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent is a time to make our faith fresh - to be renewed. There are many options in our parish for you to be renewed and refreshed Download here Lent 2020 "Be Opened" Lenten Program 2020
Now is the time to register your interest if you would like to lead a group during Lent or would like to participate in one of these small group weekly sessions. Excellent resources are available, and no training is necessary for leaders. Various weekly groups will meet and an updated list will be included in the Parish Newsletter each week. Monday - 6:30pm Gatton Community Centre Wednesday - 8:30am Gatton Community Centre Thursday - 6:00pm Laidley Parish Office Sophia College Plainland The first Principal for Sophia College will be appointed in the next few weeks. This is an exciting time for all of our parish families as soon the construction will be underway for the planned opening in 2021. It is expected that work will commence in early March. We will share more information whenever it is available, so check back soon. Ministry Training and Refresher Workshops All Extraordinary Ministers, volunteers who take Communion to the Sick and housebound, those who conduct liturgies in the nursing homes and Readers are ALL required to attend one of the upcoming refresher workshops. It is also an opportunity for any new readers or extraordinary ministers to join the roster - please encourage anyone you think may be suitable. PRAY THE ROSARY - check newsletter to confirm details
Come gather with us to pray the Rosary every Tuesday afternoon at 4:30pm at St Joseph's Forest Hill and every Wednesday morning at 7:30am in St. Mary's Church Gatton. FRIENDSHIP GROUP 16th March
All members of the community are invited to attend a morning tea and enjoy a game of Euchre at the Gatton Community Centre every third Monday commencing at 9am. GAME OF CARDS (BRIDGE) Bridge players gather each Tuesday at 8.45am for a game of cards in the Parish Community Centre, Gatton. New players always welcome. SAFEGUARDING TRAINING and VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION Everyone from Collectors and singers, to readers and gardeners are required to complete some paperwork. If you have not already completed the paperwork, please speak to Father Noy or phone the Parish office on 5465 3131 to make arrangements. Please remember to bring your Proof of ID including one with a photo when completing your paperwork. A VOCATION VIEW: Whom the Lord loves, He disciplines. The best way to lead others through the narrow gate is to be formed and disciplined as a leader. Then you can go through the narrow gate, yourself. Go out to all the world and tell the Good News! To talk to someone about your vocation, contact the Vocation Centre: 1300 133 544 [email protected] ww.vocationbrisbane.com SAFEGUARDING IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY IN OUR PARISH The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children, young people and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with the intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm. They are to be treasured, nurtured and safeguarded by all. For any complaints and disclosures, please contact STOPline by one of the methods below: |